Kidsport / Jumpstart

For KidSport and Jumpstart

KidSport and Jumpstart are currently on online.

Search and find Jumpstart Canada, go through their online system

Also KidSport Alberta, Go through their online system

KidSport contributes $200, and Jumpstart contributes $300. Arashi-Do Sylvan Lake and Renshi Ken Sumner contribute $340 as well towards this, meaning you are left with $720 for the year including all gear.

Please have the submission numbers for both Systems, and take a screenshot or picture of the successful submission

The total amount is $1560,

Contact Name: Kenneth Sumner


Mailing Address: #4-14 Thevenaz Industrial Trail, Sylvan Lake, T4S2J5

Program Registration Number: Karate 001 Muay Thai 002 BJJ 003